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University of Lille Master Degree in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (Erasmus Mundus Joint)
University of Lille

Master Degree in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (Erasmus Mundus Joint)

2 Years

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* 9 000 € per year for non EU students and 4 500 € per year for students from EU countries. A few partial waivers available. This fee includes a lot of costs, just contact us for more details about the costs included in the fee.

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Giới thiệu

The ASC Master’s Course is jointly operated by the following universities (the ASC consortium):

  • University Alma Mater of Bologna, Italy;
  • University of Helsinki, Finland;
  • Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland;
  • University of Leipzig, Germany;
  • University Lille1, France (Coordinating institution)


The ASC network aims at preparing students to become experts and develop international skills towards professional industrial careers in the spectroscopic characterization of matter and/or doctoral studies.

The ASC program has reached a high level of harmonization, with a single Master program scheme applicable at each partner institution and thus yielding to a better integration into the European scheme.

All successful students receive multiple degrees from the institutions where they attended courses.

This ASC master program will:

  • guarantee quality (all partners have official accredited Masters in chemistry);
  • allow students access to techniques not available locally (mutualization of the equipment);
  • provide a sound background in Advanced Spectroscopy, both in experimental techniques and in scientific knowledge;
  • promote students’ mobility within a network of research laboratories spread amongst countries from a large area of Europe in an environment where they will be well looked after and acquire transferable skills in a multicultural environment;
  • prepare students to become experts in far reaching experimental techniques in Spectroscopy;
  • help and prepare students to develop skills to follow future doctoral studies, and/or towards professional activities.

The originality of this program is to allow students to choose their research master thesis in one highly specialized field according to their professional objectives. The high level of equipment available in the consortium is unique.

A mobility scheme ensures that, in addition to high specialization and access to state of the art technologies, students will do a common core curriculum of studies in different higher education institutions within the ASC consortium. ASC graduates are at least bilingual and have been studying and working for 2 years in a multicultural environment. They are well prepared for European or international careers.

The ASC Master is awarded to students who have shown themselves by appropriate assessment to:

  • have competences which make them fit for employment as professional chemists in chemical and related industries or as entrepreneurs;
  • be able to apply modern and advanced spectroscopy techniques within the framework of the most recent European requirements;
  • be able to use the modern theoretical and experimental applications of spectroscopy;
  • have attained a standard of knowledge and competence which will give them access to third cycle course units or degree programs (Ph.D.).


Multiple Master of Science degree with thesis in «Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry» awarded by the universities of the consortium, after completion of 90 ECTS of courses and 30 ECTS of a Master thesis. Each host university of the student issues a master degree, provided the student has validated at least one semester (30 ECTS) at each host university.

A joint diploma supplement is provided, which explains the specificities of the program and individual mobility and specialization for the student.

The Chemistry Euromaster® Label has been awarded on 01.12.2008 by the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTNA) to the consortium members for the EM Master Course in « Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry » for a period of 5 years.


The ASC Master has been supported during 10 years by the European Union. During the first period, from 2003 to 2008, this funding enabled the ASC Consortium to develop the ASC curriculum. In 2007 the ASC program has been awarded the Erasmus Mundus label and has consequently received funding for 5 course editions (2008-2013). It has been renewed in 2015 for a five-year period (2015-2020), for 3 course editions (2016, 2017 and 2018 intakes).

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